
Posts Tagged ‘baby’

I got a new toy. It’s called a sleepywrap and I really like it. It’s similar to the Moby wrap. It’s basically lots and lots of stretchy fabric that you use to tie your baby to yourself. I use it probably every third day or so for Evelyn’s cranky time. I think I might start  using it for sleep training because Evelyn will often go right to sleep if I put her in it facing me. The basic idea is nothing new and you can make yourself one for about half as much if you’re willing to put up with un-stretchy material, but I really like that it’s elastic because I feel like it holds Evelyn closer to me than other things I’ve used that were just straight material.

My other product scored considerably lower on my happiness scale. Taggies are clothes and other products made with little tags made from soft or interesting materials. They are meant to give the child something to rub and feel thus “creating in them a true sense of good feeling, positive adjustment and overall happiness (taggies website).” Perhaps they are better for different ages, or on blankets or toys rather than clothes, but for my baby the tags always end up in her face and rubbing on her cheeks, thus taunting her with the mistaken impression that there is food nearby. Unfortunately a fail in my book.

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Another Baby Chick

I don’t have many details, and since I’m half way across the world I can’t verify it, but my wife claims to have given birth at 1:29 a.m. to a 6 lb. 10 oz. and 19 in. little girl. Apparently the doctor barely made it there in time. I’ll save the play-by-play for Rachel since she knows the details, but we wanted to let people know.
This means that for the next few days until I go home it’s going to be harder than anticipated to finish the last little bit of school (namely a thesis proposal).
We still haven’t decided on a name, so it’s not too late to pitch us your favorite.

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It’s a girl!

I had my first doctor’s visit today (I know, I’m horrifically late, but with moving and traveling it just didn’t happen until now). Luckily they were able to see me before I left and they wanted to do an ultrasound to determine an acurate due date. I was okay with that because now I get to know we’re having a girl and that she’s doing well before I leave the country for 2 months. They say I’m due May third and I’m about 17 weeks along.

Behold, the pictures:

Little head

Little feet

Can you tell?

Her face from the front

Showing some leg

 She was really shy the whole time. She was facing my back and cross legged so tech had to get her to wiggle around a bit to see her sex. She was starting to make us a little nervous because she really didn’t want to uncross those legs… She also had her arms up next to her face almost the whole time and we almost caught her sucking her thumb.

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